This is the first game I ever made for my studio and it is still one of the favorites. I just cut a treble clef shape out of white posterboard and then cut orange and blue circles and placed them on the treble clef to create a path. Then I laminated it to preserve it […]
Group Class Ideas
Piano Camp Planning
Next week will be my week of piano camps and I’m sitting here at my dining room table with papers scattered around, jotting down ideas and finalizing the daily outline while the strains of Vivaldi’s Oboe Concertos quietly escape the speakers of my CD player in the background. There are always so many ideas and […]
Review of Music and Keyboard in the Classroom
It took me a while to get through it, but wow was it a lot of fun reviewing this Music and Keyboard in the Classroom curriculum by Michael Griffin. Even though I am an independent music teacher and this curriculum is designed to be used in a Middle School general music class, I found myself […]
Helping Students Learn Musical Terms
Last Thursday evening we held our fifth Olympic Event of the year (The Olympic Events are part of my practice incentive this year, which is titled “Go For the Gold.” After the year is over, I’ll compile all the materials and add it to my selection of practice incentive programs available for purchase.). My objective […]
Group Class Music Listening Games are a Blast!
Last night we had a group class in the studio. Our focus for the evening was on “listening,” to correspond with the previous five-week session of our incentive program this year. In between performances we played listening-related games – Team Rhythmic Dictation, Team Melodic Dictation and Interval BINGO in pairs. GAME #1: Team Rhythmic Dictation […]
Free Games and Resources
Have you seen D’Net’s new website? It is loaded with all sorts of free downloadable worksheets and game ideas and now that she has her new site up, everything is categorized and easy to find. You must check it out!