You can watch this video I put together last night to catch a glimpse of how our Olympic-themed Piano Camp turned out this week. It’s impossible to capture everything, but suffice it to say that we had a wonderful time!
Piano Camp Ideas
Piano Camp Planning
Next week will be my week of piano camps and I’m sitting here at my dining room table with papers scattered around, jotting down ideas and finalizing the daily outline while the strains of Vivaldi’s Oboe Concertos quietly escape the speakers of my CD player in the background. There are always so many ideas and […]
Isaac Watts Documentary
We just concluded our first week of piano camps here at the studio. With my older group, I decided to try a new project – writing and filming a documentary of the great hymn writer Isaac Watts. Each of the six students in this group are church musicians, so I thought it would be a […]
Saint-Saens Carnival of the Animals Coloring Book and Other Resources
For two of my piano camps this month I decided to use Saint-Saens’ Carnival of the Animals as the theme. It’s been fun to research the work and become more familiar with it myself! Here are some of the resources I’ve been using in my planning: The Carnival of the Animals – This book is […]