Professional film and visual media composer Benjamin Botkin recently posted an insightful list of 10 Ways to Avoid Plateauing. Even though he writes as a composer to other composers (or aspiring composers), his thoughts are equally relevant for all musicians. I love the way he defines a plateau, “reach[ing] a position in your skill where […]
Piano Students in the Real World
Last December I posted about Students Performing Without Teacher Knowledge. As I mentioned then, I whole-heartedly believe in the importance of letting students use their musical skills in lots of various outlets. My students usually fill me in on events and opportunities before they happen, but either way, I think it’s great for them to […]
Monday Mailbag – Starting a Beginning Student Without a Method Book
I hear about a lot of instrumental teachers just opening the method book and getting right down to the nitty-gritty, if you will, but I’ve begun to think about what might happen if a piano teacher began a bit like a general music teacher would begin; with singing simple songs with students, having them echo […]
Free Major and Minor Arpeggio Keyboard Fingering Diagrams
Sarah, over at the Piano Discoveries Blog, recently posted some fabulous Major and Minor Arpeggio Keyboard Fingering Diagrams! Ever since I started using the scale fingering diagrams with my students (which we use very extensively now!), I’ve been thinking about designing something similar for arpeggios. However, I am thrilled that Sarah has done just that, […]
Who Says Movie Music Can’t Be Virtuosic?!
A friend of mine posted this on Facebook the other day, and it is SO cool! I’ve watched it multiple times already and have had fun exploring Jarrod Radnich’s website. I also found a link to an interview with Jarrod that I’m looking forward to listening to soon! I sent the link to the video […]
Monday Mailbag – Structuring Recitals
In the past I’ve done the recital where we start with the simplest pieces and work to the most complex. That has worked out pretty much following ages, with the exception of a few younger really gifted kids who make it to the older age group. But now I have some older beginners who will […]