Professional songwriter Ben Cooper has posted a brief, but insightful article on Songwriting Tips. Usually, my students’ introduction into songwriting comes in the way of The Psalms Project that we put together each spring. I can definitely see the truth of Ben’s statement that, “When creating, we learn by doing, and we improve by repeating […]
Group Class Experiment with Collaborative Music
Normally I don’t post about group activities and games until after I’ve tried them, but I’m so excited about this one that I thought I’d go ahead and post it anyway. I’m hoping to use it at tomorrow’s group class, so I’ll try to let you know how it goes after the fact, too! A […]
Collaborative Music Festival is a Blast!
Have any of you been involved in collaborative music events this year in conjunction with MTNA’s Year of Collaborative Music? We kicked off the theme in our studio at our September Surprise last fall, continued with our Collaborative Christmas celebration, and several of my students and I participated in the festival sponsored by one of […]
Fun Music Games at Theta Music Trainer!
One never knows what they will find when linking around on-line. This week’s exciting find is the Theta Music Trainer website, which features a nice collection of fun and engaging music games. I just got done with a round of Paddle Pitch and am happy to report that I passed level one. 🙂 By signing […]
Review and Giveaway of Tangy Tango by Wendy Stevens
Wendy Stevens’ latest piece of early elementary sheet music, Tangy Tango, has hit the shelves and you’re either going to love it or hate it. 🙂 If you’re a good teacher who carefully prepares students for challenging elements they will encounter in a new piece, you will love it. If you’re a bad teacher who […]
Hanon Makes His Internet Debut
Nowadays you can find just about everything on-line. But really, who would have thought that Charles-Louis Hanon would get his very own website dedicated to his “The Virtuoso Pianist in 60 Exercises”? Thus far, the site contains Part I – the first 20 exercises. You can transpose the exercise to any major key, download the […]