It’s not fully developed yet, but you will definitely want to bookmark this new Beginner Piano Repertoire Search Engine that is a work in progress. The site has the capability to search for repertoire based on a variety of criteria. It’s similar to Kathy Rabago’s 20th Century Intermediate Piano Repertoire Database. I am really excited […]
Trying A New Approach to Sight-Reading
At a local music teachers association meeting several months ago, one of the other teachers brought a book called, Joining the Dots: A Fresh Approach to Piano Sight-Reading by Alan Bullard. I was immediately intrigued and ended up ordering the whole 5 volume set so that I could begin experimenting with some of my students! […]
Review and Giveaway of Compositions by Lisa Donovan Lukas
Close your eyes, sit back in a comfy chair, and imagine a beautiful interlacing of impressionistic and contemporary harmonies drifting from piano music that might provide the soundtrack for your favorite tear-inducing drama. Now you can skip the imagination part and let this video fill in the music for you: Goodnight, Sweet Dreams is one […]
Monday Mailbag – Composer Biographies for Students
I have a student that is a very avid reader (girl, 7th grade, homeschooled). Her mother asked me to compile a list of good biographies or books of composers/music. She thought that this would help her practicing since she might be more interested in the composer or subject matter. One of my all-time favorite collection […]
Giveaway of 8 Hour Compilation of Background Music!
Michael Griffin, of Music Education World, has written an interesting article on the benefits of background music in the classroom. He kindly agreed to let me publish it here as a guest post, along with a special giveaway opportunity at the end: Do teachers use background music in classrooms in your school? Background music is […]
Music-Related Book Reviews
One of my favorite things to do is read a good book! Last year, I posted a list of recommended biographies, compiled from my own reading and recommendations from other Music Matters Blog readers. This year, I thought I would share several reviews of music-related books I read last year. I always want to read […]