What do you get when you merge the instant accessibility of YouTube with the interface of iTunes with the music library of the whole internet? Spotify! I had heard rumblings about Spotify for a while, but recently decided to check it out. I kid you not when I say this has now become my personal […]
174 Pages of Free Printable Music Theory Pages!
Looking for a quick pentascale sheet you can print off for a student? Or perhaps a handy reference of 7th chords with all their inversions? Or maybe some chord progressions to help a student visualize the chord voicing better? Well, guess what? You will get all that and more in the hot-off-the-press Music Motivation Checklist […]
Create Your Own Music Worksheets Using Music Fonts
Have you ever wished you could just whip up a quick worksheet to use with one of your students that would address a particular concept? Joy, of the Color in My Piano blog, has put together a wonderful guide to using music fonts to create your own music worksheets! Like Joy, I use Finale to […]
Two Years of Masterclasses at Your Fingertips!
Thanks to Music Matters Blog reader Brooke for alerting me to a fabulous resource! Visit the Sonatina Enterprises website for archives of two years’ worth of masterclass videos taken at their summer music programs. Just click on the 2011 Masterclass Archives or 2012 Masterclass Archives buttons on the home page to view a list of […]
Interval Ear Training Without an App!
Those of you who have been around here for a while know that I probably couldn’t function as a teacher anymore without my amazing little iPod Touch. However, I realize that there are still holdouts among us who prefer to dwell in the Dark Ages. 🙂 It’s getting harder to find non-app resources these days, […]
Free Educational Arrangements of Christian Sheet Music
One of my students showed up a couple weeks ago with a simple arrangement of the contemporary Christian praise song, Mighty to Save. Her Grandma had found it as a free sheet music download on-line, and it’s the perfect level for her. She kindly sent me the link and it’s a treasure trove! If you […]