Ever since I started teaching almost 15 years ago I feel like I’ve been searching for ways to organize and streamline lesson planning. From endless lists, to spreadsheets, to binders, to paper files, I’ve tried dozens of different ideas. None of them have accomplished what I really want in the way of planning repertoire and […]
Bring the Sounds of Africa to Your Music Lessons: Guest Post by Alan Grainger
As a music teacher, you’re always looking for ways to brighten up the music room and bring something new to your lessons. We think we’ve found the perfect instrument. African drums much like the djembe are the perfect way to spice up your music lessons, and really engage with your students. Not only are they […]
Theta Music Winter Competition 2013 Starts Today
Theta Music, one of the best sites for on-line music theory games is commencing their 3rd Annual Ear Training and Music Theory Competition today! This is a great way for teachers and students to have some fun while building their skills. It’s a one-day competition, so sign up and start playing now for your chance […]
How to Explain and Teach Cross Rhythms
I have several students working on more complex rhythms this year, including a variety of cross rhythms. This requires such an incredible amount of hand independence, and is often very difficult for students to grasp, so I was doing some research to find more resources on the topic. I came across a fabulous blog post […]
Review and Giveaway of NoteBusters!
It seems fitting to launch the New Year with a wonderful giveaway! Have you ever had one of those moments working with a supposedly late elementary student when you pointed to a note on the staff and watched them look quizzically at it before taking the next several minutes to try to figure out what […]
Christmas Inspirations
Here’s a peek into our studio Christmas Recital from last Thursday evening. I hope that it is a blessing and inspiration to you! Blogging will probably continue to be a bit sporadic between now and the New Year. Many blessings to each of you as you celebrate Christmas!