Gerald Klickstein’s newsletter is always a treasure trove of helpful links and resources. In his Summer 2015 issue he links to a couple of posts on his blog that I thought were particularly insightful, especially as I prepare for another year of teaching and consider what areas to emphasize with my students. 5 Tips for […]
Free Music Fonts!
In working on curriculum for the Carnival of the Animals music camp in our studio next week, I realized that the Bach musicological font I used to use all the time on my PC was not rendering correctly on my Mac. With a little digging, I discovered a great new Rhythms font that works even […]
Overview of Soundbrenner Pulse
It is no secret that sound frequencies/vibrations are woven into the very fabric of our world-in nature and in us. It is also no secret that practicing with a metronome can be very unenjoyable and it often causes you to play less musically and more technically. So, “Why,” a group of German musicians seem to […]
Free Piano Sheet Music of ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus
I always enjoy playing James Koerts’ piano arrangements, so I was excited to find out that he has a new (and free!) arrangement of ‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus. I just downloaded it and am looking forward to trying it out!
A Free Downloadable Curriculum Based on The Topic Wheel
Yesterday I shared about The Topic Wheel and how I’m finding it to be a valuable tool in planning our studio summer piano camp this year based on a classical model of learning. In studying and preparing for it, I came across a great free resource that you can download and explore. It will give […]
Create a Thumb Piano
This Thumb Piano looks like a really cool project for a summer piano camp!