In his always-informative newsletter, Gerald Klickstein, author of The Musician’s Way, linked back to his post on Beautiful Repetition. I love his four points: Insist on Excellence Reject Mindless Repetition Aim for Growth Rather than Sameness Evaluate Continuously Visit his post for an elaboration and specific ideas for each point!
A Great Tool for Helping Piano Students Improve Sight Reading and Rhythm Skills
One of my favorite resources to help students develop their rhythm and sight reading skills is the Rhythm and Sight Reading cards from Piano Safari. These are great to use as a supplement even if you don’t use the method books. Levi agreed to demonstrate how we utilize these cards: After tapping the rhythm pattern, […]
Music is in [and on!] the Air!
We’ve had another fun week in the studio polishing up some cool piano pieces… [“Cool Walkin’” by Melody Bober from Grand Solos for Piano, Book 3] …recording important information (in our Mini Music Manuals, of course!)… [It’s exciting to see the new level of ownership students are taking to really know all of their musical […]
Top 5 Songs to Learn on Piano in 2016 – A Guest Post by
Many music lovers resolved to learn or practice an instrument in 2016, and one of the most popular instruments to pick up is the piano. Once you learn to read sheet music, you can see the tiny intricacies of each song right there on paper, and really feel inspired by the instrument. is a […]
Favorites On the Piano Rack
It’s our second week into the New Year and we are having a blast! It’s so exciting to watch students progressing and taking ownership for their own learning. I thought this picture of Stephanie at the piano was a great combination of some of our favorite materials here in the studio: On Your Way […]
Linstead Market – a Fun Piano Ensemble for 5 People!
At the beginning of September I mentioned a cool piano book I had come across called 4 Afro-Caribbean Songs for 5 Right Hands at 1 Piano. After much sweat and many hours of counting I am happy to report that we were able to pull together the lively Linstead Market arrangement. I think everyone is […]