If you haven’t already done so, you should register your studio at Music Staff. Registration is free and allows you to list your studio in a database of music studios searchable by potential students. Even if you already have a full studio, the more you get your name out in the public eye, the more […]
Organized Worksheets!
The best thing happened today! A student was having trouble with a particular rhythmic concept and I realized I had a worksheet that would help reinforce at home what we had just been working on at her lesson. Now, a week ago, I would have had to rummage through several folders full of worksheets to […]
Discovery School’s Puzzlemaker
Discovery School’s Puzzlemaker is an amazing tool! I’m getting ready for a group class tonight where we’ll be discussing how music is a form of communication and I used it to create this hidden message worksheet for the students to take home to keep the things we talked about a little more fresh in their […]
Professional Recording Possibility
MusicMatters is a site I came across when I was in the planning stages for the Music Matters Blog site. MusicMatters offers a very unique service. They will send a recording engineer to your music event to either do an audio or video recording. They will then master these into either a CD or VHS […]
Bach Musicological Font
Check out theBach Musicological Font that I found thanks to the links page of the Music Teacher’s Resource Site. The great thing about the Bach Musicological Font is that it is inserted right in line with the other text fonts you are using. Some of the other musical fonts I use, like Notes or Maestro, […]
Treasures for Piano – Home Page
Check out this amazing site I came across the other day, thanks to a link on the Sites of Interest to Music Educators links section of the Piano Education Page. This searchable database on the Treasures for Piano site includes over 350 sources in the bibliography, and 650 pieces are referenced by Composer, Title, Era, […]