Besides your latest efforts to recruit new students, when was the last time you really went all out in terms of marketing and networking? Indie music teachers are responsible for every part of their business, including managing the creative side, client relations and marketing. That’s why it’s important to build up your network of other […]
Monday Mailbag – Charging for Lessons
How do you charge for lessons? I have been charging new students by the month, old students pay when they have their lesson. I haven’t found a happy medium and can’t figure out a good way to go about doing semesters (with make up days) which would really help my business. The way the economy […]
Monday Mailbag – Makeup Lessons
Do you have a contract that the parents must sign about piano lessons, etc.? I have tried doing a contract and it falls through every year. I now have a 24-hour policy, but it is so hard to keep that policy with certain parents (those being the parents who give me the most business and […]
Monday Mailbag – Advertising for New Students
How do you advertise for more students? What works for you? Here are the things that I have personally found to be most effective: 1. Become a member of one or more local music teachers associations. We have two excellent associations in our area that provide a referral service for members. We’ve had new members […]
Music Creation Using Audacity
Two of the most popular posts here on Music Matters Blog are the ones that discuss how to set up a recording “studio” using the free Audacity audio recording software (you can read these here and here). I’ve used Audacity for numerous projects, but I know I still haven’t even come close to tapping into […]
Monday Mailbag – Creating Worksheets
Which program do you use to create such cool worksheets? I created this worksheet in MS Word, using Finale for the scale and key signature snippets, and then importing them into MS Word. This was actually my first time using the export feature in Finale, but I had a visual in mind of how I […]