I would love it if you would address how you deal with students who consistently forget their assignment books! I have started keeping large sticky notes on hand to stick right on the front of their book, but it’s very frustrating when this also doesn’t return! It impedes progress. My students who always bring their […]
Summer is Just Around the Corner!
In preparation for summer, I just sent home a Summer Survey with each of my students last week. I started sending these home with my students several years ago when I first started offering summer piano camps and it has been so helpful! Early on in my teaching, I made the mistake of planning an […]
Tips for Adjudicators
When I was adjudicating at a music festival last weekend, I was reminded of this fabulous post by Chris Foley of the Collaborative Piano Blog: 16 Ideas for First-Time Music Festival Adjudicators. The only thing I would change is to strike the “First-Time” from the title. This list is a handy checklist for new and […]
Piano Teacher Website Listing is Up!
We already have a nice collection of studio websites, so I’ve compiled all the links received thus far and put together a page for the Piano Teacher Website Listing. There is also a link in the right sidebar so that you can easily access the list. I’ve already come across some fabulous ideas just from […]
Monday Mailbag – Recording MP3s
Ensembles, I love ’em! They are hard to coordinate and take a lot of patience during rehearsals. I have done what you do, students split lesson times. But only after each has their part learned fairly well. I always play the other part, up until then so they know what the whole thing should sound […]
Piano Teacher Website Listing
One of my favorite things to do is visit other piano teachers’ websites. You can catch a glimpse into their studios, read how they word their policies, get creative ideas for use in your own studio, and generally feel somewhat connected to all of your colleagues in the world of music teaching. So…I was thinking […]