Thanks to Music Matters Blog reader Victoria Shaw for alerting me to this collection of free on-line courses from Coursera on the topics of music, film, and audio engineering! In addition to music and education, I am also fascinated by the world of film and drama and writing. There are so many parallels in the […]
Monday Mailbag – When to Start Teaching Scales
When do you start teaching scales? I have been using the “Piano Adventures” method books and really like them, but they don’t teach scales or time signatures until four books in, and I am debating about teaching younger students scales before they encounter them in their music. How soon do you start introducing scales and […]
Thirty Thanksgiving Blessings
In the November/December 2012 issue of Clavier Companion, Susan Geffen wrote a very kind review of Music Matters Blog. Since the magazine recently launched a blog (if you haven’t already, you should definitely add it to your blog reading list!), they asked if I would contribute a guest post. As I pondered what to write, […]
Happy Thanksgiving Week!
The studio is closed for Thanksgiving this week, so I’ll be taking the week off of blogging as well. Hope you all have a wonderful time of celebration and rest with your families. Here’s a video of one of my favorite songs that reminds me to have an attitude of thankfulness for the many blessings […]
Fun Friday Film
If I let them, I think a good 50% of my studio would choose to play Carol of the Bells for the Christmas recital every year. 🙂 It’s one of those pieces that everyone just loves. Well…check out this cool a cappella version of the Christmas favorite by Pentatonix:
Rote Teaching at Its Finest
In light of yesterday’s post on the value of teaching pieces by rote, I thought this was a most fascinating video clip illustrating how even non-pianists can participate in the beauty of music-making via rote teaching. So cool! HT: The Teaching Studio