I was just wondering how you fit in group lessons into your weekly schedule. How often would they have a group lesson? Do you just keep the same time each week and rotate which group you see? What I do is a little bit of a different approach from most teachers who conduct group classes. […]
What are you doing for summer?
With all this talk lately about summer and piano camps, I’m curious to know if anyone else has made plans yet. Are you doing anything different or creative? Anyone have a theme for their piano camps? Any great group activities or games you plan to use? I’ve just been collecting all my students’ summer schedule […]
Year-End Evaluations
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, this week I am conducting Year-End Evaluations with all of my students and their parents. A couple of weeks ago I sent them the questionnaires for this year (I change the questionnaires each year to collect different information that I think will be helpful) and then I got busy […]
Monday Mailbag – More About Planning Piano Camps
I’ve received several other great questions that I will be addressing soon, but since Piano Camps seem to be an item of great interest and many teachers are probably gearing up for summer sessions right now, I decided to post a few more questions I’ve received about Piano Camps in response to last week’s Monday […]
Explaining Scales and Keys
Sometimes it seems like I have to say the same thing five different ways before a student loses the glazed-over look in their eyes! And then, usually it’s still many more explanations later that the proverbial light bulb goes on in their brain and they finally get it. They’ll say something like, “I realized that […]
Teaching Your Piano Students How to Accompany
A couple weeks ago, I bookmarked this article on Teaching Your Piano Students How to Accompany. I finally got around to reading it, and really appreciate the thoughts and ideas that Jennifer shares in the post. She gives some practical tips for incorporating accompanying skills into a student’s music education, and also shares her list […]