Dear Readers~ My Grandma unexpectedly passed away yesterday, so I will be taking the week off of blogging here in order to spend time with my family and help make arrangements. Thanks for your understanding and prayers. ~Natalie
Kansas Music Teachers State Conference
This weekend, I’ve been attending our annual state music teachers conference. We’ve had a slate of wonderful musicians and presenters. Here are some pictures with a few notes: The conference began with Brenda Dillon sharing about the Recreational Music Making program that has been developed in the last several years. Dr. Robert Weirich gave a […]
June Music Education Blog Carnival
Apparently I wasn’t the only one who forgot to submit something for the carnival this month…oops! The BNC Education blog, however, has done a fabulous job compiling posts from the 100 ME Bloggers to create a carnival anyway. They’ve separated the posts into four categories: Your Students, Your Program, Your Place, and Your Life. Lots […]
Monday Mailbag – Scheduling Group Classes
I was just wondering how you fit in group lessons into your weekly schedule. How often would they have a group lesson? Do you just keep the same time each week and rotate which group you see? What I do is a little bit of a different approach from most teachers who conduct group classes. […]
What are you doing for summer?
With all this talk lately about summer and piano camps, I’m curious to know if anyone else has made plans yet. Are you doing anything different or creative? Anyone have a theme for their piano camps? Any great group activities or games you plan to use? I’ve just been collecting all my students’ summer schedule […]
Year-End Evaluations
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, this week I am conducting Year-End Evaluations with all of my students and their parents. A couple of weeks ago I sent them the questionnaires for this year (I change the questionnaires each year to collect different information that I think will be helpful) and then I got busy […]