One of the hardest skills for my students to master is identifying intervals by ear. In fact, most of my students door quite poorly with our annual ear-training tests. I always think that I need to do something to help them improve, but usually that’s about as far as my good intentions get. Well, no […]
Monday Mailbag – Makeup Lessons
Do you have a contract that the parents must sign about piano lessons, etc.? I have tried doing a contract and it falls through every year. I now have a 24-hour policy, but it is so hard to keep that policy with certain parents (those being the parents who give me the most business and […]
I’m Back…Sorta
Thanks so much for your kind words and prayers last week – I really appreciate it. It was a rough week, but God faithfully supplied my family with the strength we needed to get through it and I trust will continue to do so in the days ahead. Postings may be a little sporadic around […]
Taking the Week Off
Dear Readers~ My Grandma unexpectedly passed away yesterday, so I will be taking the week off of blogging here in order to spend time with my family and help make arrangements. Thanks for your understanding and prayers. ~Natalie
Kansas Music Teachers State Conference
This weekend, I’ve been attending our annual state music teachers conference. We’ve had a slate of wonderful musicians and presenters. Here are some pictures with a few notes: The conference began with Brenda Dillon sharing about the Recreational Music Making program that has been developed in the last several years. Dr. Robert Weirich gave a […]
June Music Education Blog Carnival
Apparently I wasn’t the only one who forgot to submit something for the carnival this month…oops! The BNC Education blog, however, has done a fabulous job compiling posts from the 100 ME Bloggers to create a carnival anyway. They’ve separated the posts into four categories: Your Students, Your Program, Your Place, and Your Life. Lots […]