Have you seen the Create Your Own Interval Examples page on the EarMaster website? What a fabulous resource! Our Music Progressions evaluations are in April each year, so I’ve been assigning several of my students to work on specific ear training exercises at different websites. This is with the hope that maybe they won’t all […]
Monday Mailbag – Duets with Students
When you do an ensemble recital, with duets, how do you work with the students in their individual lessons? Do they each practice their parts separately, then get together a few times to work together? Do you play the other duet part with each of them so they know what it sounds like? I would […]
Game: Chord-Building!
For this game, I just used three dice and three game markers. One die had Major, minor, augmented, and diminished on various sides, another die was just a 9-sided number die, and the final die had Root Position, 1st Inversion, 2nd Inversion on varying sides. The student rolled the three dice and the built the […]
Game: Interval Grab
This is the game that I used all last week and everyone loved it! Here are step-by-step instructions for how we played Interval Grab: 1. Dump out a bunch of scale blocks on the piano fallboard (or a table) and place a bell within reach of the student. 2. Instruct the student that you will […]
Game: Note Line-Up
This game is very similar to the Key Signature Line-Up game, but is designed to drill note identification instead. First I give the student a selection of note flash cards (in this case, we were working on bass clef notes from the low G up to middle C) and have him line them up in […]
10 Ways to Improve Your Musicianship in 2010
I know we’re a ways past the first of the year now, but I’m still contemplating goals I want to work toward and improvements I want to make – personally and professionally. Chris Foley has a fabulous article on “10 Ways to Improve Your Musicianship in 2010.” Check out this great statement: “Single-mindedness and dedication […]