In the same e-newsletter from Music Educator’s Marketplace that I mentioned Tuesday, there was a link to free online music resources. The page it led to is this fabulous collection of Free Online Resources for Teachers, Students, Parents. The page is divided into several helpful categories: Teacher Helpers and Resources Free Teaching Aids to Print […]
Piano Buyer Guide Online
One of my goals this year is to purchase a piano to replace the current acoustic piano in my studio. The current piano is a low-end instrument that is 30+ years old. Some of the repair work it needs now would cost significantly more than it’s worth, so I finally decided I better get serious […]
Incredible New Scale Resource
Last weekend I received the e-newsletter from the fabulous Music Educator’s Marketplace and saw this brilliant new product: Nate’s Scale Plates. They were developed by a 9-year old piano student, and they are exactly what several of my students need! It baffles me that scale fingerings are as difficult as they are for some students, […]
Monday Mailbag – Playing in Student Recitals
Do you ever play a piece in your student recital yourself? I was thinking about doing this in order to show students and parents the possibilities of the piano, but I am not sure if it doesn’t look like I “need” an audience. Actually, my students could attend some of my own recitals if they […]
Free Downloadable Music Theory Worksheets
Jerald Simon, of the Music Motivation Blog, is developing a page full of fabulous free downloadable music theory worksheets! Current worksheets include major and minor pentascales, intervals, chord inversions, and chord progressions. What a great resource, especially for students preparing for state theory tests! He is planning to add one new download every day for […]
Theme Ideas for the Studio
Joy, of the Color In My Piano blog, has posted a super list of 30 Theme Ideas for the Music Studio Events. I’m partially posting the link here so you call can check out the great collection of ideas. But I’m mostly posting it here so that I can come back and refer to it […]