Some friends e-mailed me the link to this video clip last week and I just had to pass it on. Check out the enthusiasm of this little musical guy!
Monday Mailbag – How to Help Students Progress During Teacher Leaves
I am due with my 3rd child in about a month and currently have 8 piano students. They are all in the Primer Bastien book, except 2, who are in level 1. As important as my piano students and their success is to me, my family comes first, so I have been thinking of taking […]
Spice Up Minor Chords
Jermaine Griggs, over at the Hear and Play blog, recently posted 3 tips for spicing up minor chords. Not only is the information good, it is also displayed in such a visually appealing and helpful way that anyone can quickly understand what he is saying and give it a try. For a very visual learner […]
Introducing My New Piano Student…She Lives in Germany
Toward the end of last year some friends of mine who live in Germany contacted me to see if I would consider teaching their daughter piano via the Internet. Since I had a little bit of experience doing this with one of my students last fall, I decided it would be fun to go the […]
Monday Mailbag – Student Assignment Books
I’ve enjoyed reading about all of your incentive programs. I was wondering about your assignment book. Is it separate from the incentives or a part of the incentives program? I think I’m getting confused. Most of my students are beginners or early intermediate…K-8th grade. That’s a great question! I probably need to clarify that on […]
A Game to Assess Musical Scale Skills!
You should see the way my students’ eyes light up the minute I pull out some dice and tell them that we’re going to start off the lesson with a game! In fact, this is what prompted me to compile and produce the 5 for Fun! book. Just setting aside 5 minutes a lesson to […]