Today is a good day to remember. In the midst of much tragedy and suffering, we remember those who have lost their lives, those who have willingly sacrificed their lives, those who have spent their lives on something bigger than themselves. Sometimes I wonder if the loss of things and people we hold precious in […]
Monday Mailbag – Practice Tips for Young Students and Parents
I recently started a few new kindergarten students and I was wondering if you might have any practice suggestions for that age. I would especially like to give some ideas to their parents about how they can help their children practice. I’m finding more and more that the best approach to teaching good practice habits […]
Today is the Big Day – Entrepreneurship Meets Music Student!
My students and I have been eagerly anticipating this day all year long! Tonight is the culmination of our year of Quest for Capital! Tonight is…The Gallery! I think of tonight’s event as a sort of entrepreneurship-meets-music-student endeavor. Part of my vision was to give students a framework to work within to develop creative projects […]
Time for Year-End Evaluations – Free Downloadable Forms
It’s hard to believe that the spring semester of lessons is coming to a close. One of the most helpful things I ever started doing was scheduling Year-End Evaluations at the last lesson of the spring semester. Last week I sent home Student and Parent Questionnaires with each of my students. Next week, parents will […]
Remembering Jed…
Seven years ago today, I penned the most difficult studio newsletter of my life. The afternoon before, one of my wonderful piano students was tragically killed in a car accident. I still think of him often and remember the tremendous legacy that Jed left behind, even at the young age of 12. Here are a […]
Monday Mailbag – Free Scale Chart and Tips for Making Your Own Progress Charts!
I am searching everywhere for a template for individual progress charts and a master to keep in the studio so all my students can see how everyone stands up. Any ideas? Probably one of the most valuable skills I have learned on the computer is how to use tables to create forms and worksheets of […]