Anyone traveling to any cool places this summer? Will you be checking out any museums while you’re there? There’s so much to be learned by visiting museums and exploring the exhibits! That’s one reason I was really excited to come across this Virtual Museums post by’s Music Education editor, Espie Estrella. Here are a […]
Monday Mailbag – Letting Students Go
I need to let 5-6 of my 21 students go for next fall. How do I tell the parents of those I’m choosing not to teach next year? The ones I’m cutting are the students who don’t practice. I love the families, the kids, and especially the moms. We are good friends and I don’t […]
Do You Have an Adjective List?
I don’t actually know how I ended up on the 3-D Piano e-newsletter list, but an article in the recent issue caught my attention – Imagery, Emotion, and Imagination: Cultivating vibrant performance through descriptive adjectives and metaphors. This is a concept I’ve heard before, but I’ve never tried it out to this extent with my […]
Monday Mailbag – Listening to Great Pianists
And now…back to your regularly scheduled programming! After several weeks of neglecting the Monday Mailbag posting, here’s hoping the rest of the summer will go better as far as keeping up with it! I have a slew of questions to post, so I may even stick some in on other days, too. 🙂 As a […]
A Wealth of Thoughts on Early Childhood Development and Music Programs
Even though I have had a number of students begin piano lessons with me as early as 3 and 4-years old, I feel like I have a long ways to go in learning and understanding the most effective approaches for working with children this young. That’s why I made a point to keep Jenny’s post, […]
The Difference Between Teaching Boys and Girls
It’s fascinating to study psychology and try to gain a deeper understanding of our design and how it contributes to various areas of life. Earlier this year, I came across a short book titled, In God’s Image After All, after hearing the author speak at a seminar. It was so interesting and got me to […]