One of my students’ moms sent me a link to Free Music Theory Worksheets page of the website. I know I’ve been there before, but it’s obviously been a while as they have added a ton of free printable worksheets! Since I rarely use theory books in my teaching, I’m always on the lookout […]
Monday Mailbag – How to Cure Students of the Incessant Compulsion to Repeat Measures Until All the Mistakes Are Fixed
What do you do with a student who replays measures again and again? I can see that he is thinking through each measure and wants to correct a rhythm or note mistake, but it’s as if he’s in his own world making it right. Help! I assume you’re looking for an answer something other than […]
Monday Mailbag – Recording Videos
What you use to record videos? And how hard is it to upload to YouTube? In short, everything! Canon Elura MiniDV Camcorder – I bought this several years ago for our Isaac Watts Film Project as part of our piano camp and have been using it ever since! It’s been a great little camcorder. I […]
Tips for Creativity and Productivity
One of my students and her mom recommended a post called, How to Steal Like an Artist (and 9 other things nobody told me). Obviously tongue-in-cheek, but the author has some fabulous tips that will help you think more creatively and work more productively. I especially appreciate #9 – “Be boring. (It’s the only way […]
Monday Mailbag – Business Types
As I contemplate venturing out into the World Wide Web, I’m thinking I should change my business structure from a Sole Proprietorship to an LLC for liability purposes. I’d be interested in hearing what other teachers have done, especially those of you who have web sites. Since we’re at the start of a new teaching […]
Monday Mailbag – Creating a Lending Library for Music Books
I have a pretty decent library of music and I like to loan it out to my students. Honestly though, I do a terrible job of keeping track of who has what. I cannot seem to wrap my mind around how to create a working lending library. What you do? This seemed like a great […]