You still have a little over one week to sign up for the NoteRunner Online Piano Competition. The contest is open to participants of all ages (including teachers!) and is designed to help promote the work of independent composers. Winners can receive cash prizes. Check out the list of songs to find a piece that […]
We Wish You a Merry Christmas?
If I was going to be completely honest (and I do try to make a habit of it), I would have to say that I really don’t like much Christmas music. I know that’s practically blasphemy to many Christmas die hards, but it takes all of about one day for me to be done with […]
Q&A with Pierre from Flat
Pierre is a co-founder of Flat, an online music score creator that allows you to compose with friends. Please welcome Pierre as he joins me for a Q&A session! *applause* 🙂 MMB: Could you give us a summary of what Flat is? Pierre: Flat is a collaborative music score editor that offers the ability to collaborate in real […]
InTune App Review
I do believe that InTune is one of the simplest apps I have ever reviewed, but the effectiveness of this simple ear training app has apparently earned it an almost 5 star rating on iTunes. In addition to its iTunes rating, it has been ranked among the top 25 music apps in more than 50 […]
One Week and Counting!
In one week from today we’ll be having our September Surprise! to kickoff a new year of piano lessons! In addition to getting all the finishing touches put on our practice incentive theme for the year – Jungle Expedition – I’ve also been collecting student repertoire and resources for group classes throughout the year. It’s […]
Free Notation Software Deal & Giveaway
To celebrate the 500,000th download of FORTEÂ 6 Notation Software (a WINDOWS operating system software), starting right now (exclusively for MMB readers)Â until September 14th, you can download FORTE 6 Basic for free! (a $24 value) FORTE 6 Basic free download page If you’re not familiar with FORTE check out their website! I’ve never used it, but […]