The folks over at Skoove have posted what they are calling “The Ultimate Guide to Playing the Piano.” The post is an insightful history of the piano, an overview of the parts of a piano, and a brief introduction to reading music. I mostly enjoyed the fun collection of photos of interesting pianos that have […]
Get the Entire Mayron Cole Piano Method for Free!
I’ve heard about the Mayron Cole piano method for years, but never looked into it that much. However, I just received word a couple of weeks ago that in celebration of her retirement, Mayron is making her piano method available for free to anyone who wants it! There are textbooks for Level Pre-1 through Level […]
A Very Out-of-the-Box Book for the Improv-Challenged Pianist
As I mentioned in my recent post about improvisation pianist Anna Ferraro, I spent years feeling stuck to the page in my piano playing. My early forays into improvisation felt very uncomfortable and unmusical. And frankly, I’m still not that great at it. It’s so easy to get stuck in a rut and not know […]
It’s Psalms Project Time!
Those of you who have been around here for a while know that every spring in my studio we complete a composition effort called The Psalms Project. At the beginning of the semester I give students a worksheet with a step-by-step process that walks them through selecting a verse, setting it to music, and eventually […]
Boogie-Woogie is Back! – Guest Post by flowkey
At flowkey we love helping fans of all genres get inspired and learn from piano greats. In our new Featured Artist series, we highlight different genres and pianists, showcasing their skill in beautiful piano music videos. We’re excited to kick off the series with Arthur Migliazza, our favorite award-winning boogie-woogie pianist from New York: ?? […]
Teen Pianist Wiley Skaret Uses Music to Raise Money for Columbian Families
Our national homeschool organization recently announced their 2017 Teen Servant Leadership Awards and I was so excited to learn about the work of the young Columbian pianist, Wiley Skaret, to raise money for the children of fallen Columbian police officers. His approach? Playing the piano. Plus, check out this colorful and symbolic piano that Wiley […]