One of the things that is emphasized over and over in the business studies I’ve done is the importance of having multiple streams of income. This is the same principle that King Solomon taught in Ecclesiastes 11:1-2, “Cast your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days. Give a portion to […]
Thinking about starting a blog? Read this first!
The other day I came across a post on the Social Media Examiner website titled, 17 Ways to Grow Your Blog from Top Bloggers. Although the title suggests that it is for those who already have blogs and want to increase their readership, the tips offered are wonderful for those thinking about launching a blog. […]
Monday Mailbag – Planning Piano Camps
I’ve also been planning on doing an “Introduction to the piano” course…can’t wait to see your lesson plans! How many days does your camp go for? It’s getting to be that time of year when we all start thinking about summer plans! At least, in theory we are all thinking about summer plans, right? In […]
Monday Mailbag – Frugal Tips for Travelers
Perhaps you could post on how a thrifty, frugal teacher could save to attend the MTNA Conference? Do you put aside a little each month? I decided to bump this question to the top of the Monday Mailbag list because of its relevance. Plus, I was able to solicit the advice of my frugal traveling […]
Review and Giveaway of Recording on a Budget by Brent Edstrom
For years I wanted to learn the secret to making CD recordings of my students’ playing. I searched and searched on-line, talked with various techy people at workshops, and scoured bookstores looking for the answer. I knew there had to be a simple answer somewhere, but it eluded me at every turn. Then finally, one […]
The Case Against Offering Make-up Lessons
When I first started teaching I knew nothing about operating a business, establishing professional policies, or setting personal boundaries to help maintain sanity and avoid burnout. That’s probably why I hated teaching. Thanks to the influence of many wise teachers who have mentored and advised me since then, I now have well-formulated policies that enable […]