With the whole world of music literally at your fingertips it’s never been easier to access all the resources you need to become the musician you’ve always wanted to be. Right? Easier, perhaps. Less overwhelming? Not by a long shot! Recognizing the huge gap that many musicians (or wanna be musicians) face between who they […]
Compose Yourself – Giveaway #1!
Imagine the look on your students’ faces as they listen to a simple melody transformed into a gorgeous orchestral sound. That is exactly the awe factor that Maestro, Cellist, and Composer Philip Sheppard has in mind with his ingenious new creation, Compose Yourself. Distributed by the award-winning educational game company, Think Fun, Compose Yourself will […]
Coming December 1 – A Week of Giveaways!
Merry Christmas to…You! Despite my best intentions, activity here on Music Matters Blog continues to be sporadic and infrequent. I am still hopeful that I’ll figure out a way to begin posting more regularly again, but in the meantime I thought it would be fun to put together a special selection of giveaways just in […]
Notes from Making Sense Out of Digital Scores
As I mentioned, I just attended the live webinar presented by George Litterst in collaboration with MTNA: Making Sense Out of Digital Scores. Early in his presentation, George reminds us that “The best way you learn something for yourself is by teaching it to others.” I also tend to focus and learn a lot when […]
Making Sense Out of Digital Scores
Even though I love technology and am always up for trying out new things, the iPad mini that I acquired earlier this year has spent much of its time relegated to the top drawer of my night stand. (Doesn’t it look sad and neglected?) I know some of the neglect has been so to my […]
Jungle Huts are a Hit!
Mercy excitedly displays the Odwalla smoothie she earned by making it to the Jungle Juice Hut as part of our Jungle Expedition practice incentive theme this year! I am impressed at the incredible effort students have been putting in this year to earn tickets and gain admission to various jungle huts. The number one […]