I know there are many music teachers who have websites or blogs and produce all kinds of cool resources for their students, but have never set up an online store to share those products with others. If that sounds like you, perhaps as a New Year’s goal you’d like to delve into the world of […]
$10 Off Any Item or 50% Off in the Music Matters Blog Store!
As we finish out these final few weeks of 2017, I wanted to offer a small gift to all of you Music Matters Blog readers. It’s been a full year with lots of unexpected happenings in my life, so fewer posts have made it to the blog, but I am still so grateful for this […]
Free Downloadable Rhythm Cards and Game Idea
One of my studio go-to’s for an easy, educational game for group classes is Team Rhythm Dictation. The students are split into two teams and are given a set of individual rhythmic note cards to use. (Click here to download a free set of individual note cards to use in your studio.) The barlines are […]
A Fun Simple Rhythm Game for Piano Lessons
In keeping with our rhythmic focus for this year’s practice incentive theme, Beat the Pirates!, I’m trying to come up with new ideas we can implement in the form of simple, fun activities incorporated into a few minutes at the beginning of each piano lesson. Our latest one proved to be a big hit! (This […]
Review of New Piano Music by Lynette Sawatsky
One of my favorite things to do as a pianist is to play through new music. It’s so fun to pick up an unknown book and anticipate the gems that might be hidden within its pages! These delightful books, Waddle & Quack and Shimmer & Strut by Canadian composer Lynette Sawatsky contain many such gems. […]
Free Piano Masterclass with Robert Levin
One of the teachers in our local music teachers association alerted us to an initiative by Juilliard to live stream a series of masterclasses by various musicians. I am thoroughly enjoying watching the recorded masterclass with Robert Levin and appreciate his down-to-earth style coupled with incredible insight into the music of various composers and how […]