Aha! Several years ago a friend gave me a copy of a Circle of 5ths worksheet that she found somewhere on the Internet. I searched for it several times and never found it. Until today! Hot off the web from pedalplus.com. This is one of the best Circle of 5ths worksheets I’ve seen and I’ve […]
OWP Guide
Several years ago, I spent the whole summer working at an out-of-state camp, so I was unable to give lessons to my students. I put together little packets for them with a bunch of things they could work on on their own. I included four of these little OWP Guide cards (copied onto brightly colored […]
Fun Practice Incentive!
Climbing the Ladder to Success! Each year I develop a unique practice incentive for my studio. I spend the month of August, among other things, working out the details of the incentive so that we’re ready to roll when I start teaching again in September. While a structured incentive program isn’t the sure-fire cure for […]
Retirement…or Not?
You know you’re in the right profession when, instead of people retiring from it, people are retiring and getting into it. 🙂 This thought just came to me again as I read an e-mail from another teacher who has been teaching piano for 43 years. In the course of the e-mail she said, “I am […]
MTNA Certification Moment
[Below is the text of a short article I wrote for the May issue of our local Music Teachers Association (MTA) newsletter. I just received it in my inbox from MTNA as their July Certification Moment. If you are not a Nationally Certified Teacher of Music (NCTM), I definitely encourage you to pursue becoming one!] […]
Student Interviews
One of the best things I started doing several years ago is conducting interviews with all prospective students before accepting them into my studio. When people contact me with an interest in studying piano with me, I always refer them first to my website. I tell them to read over all my policies and if […]