One of our favorite studio traditions is a week-long piano camp! It’s taken various forms over the years – from an intensive course for serious high school students, to a Carnival of the Animals adventure for my current students, to our most recent offering: Piano Expeditions for young, mostly-preschool students who are not taking formal […]
Going Digital with Music Theory Worksheets
As I mentioned in my Summer Cleaning in the Studio post, in an effort to clear out some shelf space in my studio closet, I finally decided to go digital with my binders full of music theory worksheets. This is what my setup has looked like for years and it has served me well. Currently […]
Free Voice Lesson for Teen Girls – A Guest Post by Laura Dowding
Defiant. Depressed. Uncomfortable. Is this how you would describe your teen? I ask because this is exactly who I was before I discovered how to express myself and find self love. The gateway that opened the door for me was music. And since then, I’ve been able to help young teen girls just like myself, […]
Summer Cleaning in the Studio
Does anyone else ever get the urge to delve in and reorganize their studio? I am forever trying to come up with better ways to manage everything in the studio and have recently been digitizing and filing all my binders full of worksheets to clear out some shelf space in my studio closet. I’ll share […]
New Piano Practice Incentive Theme is Here!
Most of the world may still be closed for traveling right now, but my students and I have just completed an exhilarating journey Ad Astra (“to the stars”). One of my students has requested a space theme for our annual practice incentive theme for several years, so this past year I determined to make that […]
Time for a Music Spelling Bee!
We finished out our final group piano class this week with a fun game of Music Spelling Bee! Each of the students received a magnetic dry erase board (I really like these from Really Good Stuff and have used them for years!) with magnets and a transparency sheet with a music staff printed on it […]