This is the game that I used all last week and everyone loved it! Here are step-by-step instructions for how we played Interval Grab: 1. Dump out a bunch of scale blocks on the piano fallboard (or a table) and place a bell within reach of the student. 2. Instruct the student that you will […]
Game: Note Line-Up
This game is very similar to the Key Signature Line-Up game, but is designed to drill note identification instead. First I give the student a selection of note flash cards (in this case, we were working on bass clef notes from the low G up to middle C) and have him line them up in […]
10 Ways to Improve Your Musicianship in 2010
I know we’re a ways past the first of the year now, but I’m still contemplating goals I want to work toward and improvements I want to make – personally and professionally. Chris Foley has a fabulous article on “10 Ways to Improve Your Musicianship in 2010.” Check out this great statement: “Single-mindedness and dedication […]
Game: Key Signature Line-Up
As I mentioned in yesterday’s Monday Mailbag post about Finding Time for Games, this week I’ll share some of the games that I’ve been using in my studio this year. This is a really simple game! First, have the student line up the key signatures in order from the least number of sharps or flats […]
Monday Mailbag – Finding Time for Games
I love all your games and ideas, but how do you incorporate games into your lessons? I feel like there’s hardly enough time to get through the books as is, especially when a recital or competition is coming up! Do you always fit a game in? Do you have 45-minute lessons? First off, yes, I […]
Piano Camp Lesson Plans and Free Student Workbook!
As long as I’m thinking about Piano Camp stuff, I thought I would run a special for anyone interested in purchasing the Lesson Plans for a fun week of Piano Camp! This is the one that I put together for last summer and my students and I had a great time! See lots of pictures […]