One of my favorite things to do is watch other teachers teach. I have picked up many valuable insights and teaching tips over the years from attending masterclasses – whether they be by pianists, vocalists, or other instrumentalists. Carnegie Hall has a special section in their Online Resource Center for Masterclasses and Workshops. I’m excited […]
Clavier Companion Goes Digital
I really love magazines. Not to say that I’m always good about reading through them, but sometimes it’s nice to tackle a two-page article instead of sitting down with a whole book. Without a doubt, my two favorite industry magazines are Clavier Companion and American Music Teacher. They are always full of insight and inspiration […]
Happy Memorial Day
Today is a good day to remember. In the midst of much tragedy and suffering, we remember those who have lost their lives, those who have willingly sacrificed their lives, those who have spent their lives on something bigger than themselves. Sometimes I wonder if the loss of things and people we hold precious in […]
Studying Music in College by Justin Birch
With a number of students right now who are looking at pursuing music education long-term either via college or alternative higher education options, I was really interested when Justin Birch contacting me about submitting a guest post on the topic of studying music in college. I especially appreciate his point that students who are serious […]
KMTA Conference is in 2 Weeks!
Well, I meant to post about this a long time ago, but I kept forgetting. Our annual state conference is just two weeks away for anyone who wants to attend. This year’s conference will be held in Emporia and will be featuring Melody Bober and Jane Solose. I’m also scheduled to present a couple of […]
Free Classical Music Concerts at Classical Archives
In the mood for a classical music concert? Check out the free on-line classical music concerts at – “the ultimate classical music destination”! Right now, I’m listening to the lovely May concert of the music of Johannes Brahms. You can read a brief bio of Brahms, see a list of the concert selections, and […]