I recently came across another blog (with a super cool header graphic!) that has lots of info about apps: 88 Piano Keys. Even though I have an iPod Touch that I use all the time in my teaching, I’ve been pondering the possibility of getting an iPad at some point, too. Is there anyone out […]
Rote Teaching at Its Finest
In light of yesterday’s post on the value of teaching pieces by rote, I thought this was a most fascinating video clip illustrating how even non-pianists can participate in the beauty of music-making via rote teaching. So cool! HT: The Teaching Studio
Monday Mailbag – What’s the Point of Teaching Pieces by Rote?
You suggest teaching by rote, and your website lists “24 Piano Pieces Perfect for Rote Teaching”. I certainly appreciate that you took the time to develop this list. But I don’t get it. Why teach by rote? How does learning a piece by rote develop skills necessary to aid in learning the next piece of […]
Come to California for MTNA 2013!
California in March sounds like a wonderful way to spend part of spring break in 2013, don’t you think? If so, then check out the 2013 MTNA National Conference, and make plans now to attend! The MTNA Conference is always a wonderful opportunity to attend sessions, find out about the latest materials, observe masterclasses, […]
Billy and the Carnival
The Young People’s Concert series put on by our Wichita Symphony Orchestra featured Billy and the Carnival this fall. I had never heard the piece before, but it’s a wonderful, fun musical work! Here’s an excerpt from the concert this morning:
Watch The Cliburn: 50 Years of Gold
One of the first classical music CDs I fell in love with was the album The World’s Favorite Piano Music by Van Cliburn. Ever since then I’ve had a special place in my heart for his music and other musical endeavors. I was excited to learn the other day that there is a documentary of […]