After our fabulous weekend in Kansas City, my students and I thoroughly enjoyed our first experience participating in the Multi-Piano Concert! We got back late Sunday evening, so I’ve been scrambling to get everything done this week and thus the blog has been a bit quiet. However, I thought I would share with you a […]
4 Reasons to Choose Music Courses in London – Guest Post by Jenny Pilley
“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” ~Lao Tzu Many of us choose a university based on a few factors; the course, the potential for job success and the location. If further education is something you are considering this year then start looking now at what is available and what can give […]
Countdown to California!
…because that’s where I’ll be headed in a month for the 2013 MTNA Conference! Thanks to MTNA, I’ll be live-blogging the conference again this year so that anyone who can’t attend in person will still be able to catch a glimpse of all the wonderful presentations virtually. Also, if you are planning to attend the […]
Learning from Great Teachers of the Past
Reading about the great pedagogues of years gone by is one of my favorite aspects of the music education magazines I receive. In the February/March 2013 issue of the American Music Teacher magazine, there is an interesting article by Arjola Miruku about Tobias Matthay. Here are just a few of the insights that inspired me […]
Great Composers and Their Music: Lapbook and Biography Sets
Have you seen the collection of composer lapbook and biography sets that Joy Morin, of the Color in My Piano blog, has created and made available in her store? What a fabulous and memorable way to teach music history to students and/or children! Growing up, I loved to create my own lapbooks to document and […]
A Super Fun Silent Movie Project
In the November/December 2012 issue of Clavier Companion magazine, Penny Lazarus wrote a fascinating article called, “Silent Movie Music in the Piano Studio.” This was fresh on my mind when our family was invited to participate in a special talent-sharing night at a local church, so we decided to give the silent movie idea a […]