In Courtney Crappell’s article in the latest issue of American Music Teacher, “Dealing With Narcissism: Are Our Students Self-Absorbed Or Just Afraid?” he shares two concepts gleaned from another author that we can embrace as teachers to help our students overcome fears that may hinder them from learning: 1) Letting down our personal guard; and […]
The Music Arranger’s Page
Thanks to Christopher Sutton, of Easy Ear Training, for hosting Hans Hansen, I discovered this new website that is practically a course in music composition on a website! The Music Arranger’s Page is a collection of extensive posts on how to arrange music, write good melodies, figure out intros, and lots more! If you or […]
Review and Giveaway of Be Still by James Koerts
When James Koerts contacted me about his new collection of hymn arrangements titled, Be Still, I jumped at the chance to play through them! After having such a satisfying experience with his new book of Christmas piano arrangements a couple of years ago, I had high expectations for this latest release. And I was not […]
Monday Mailbag – 5 Suggested Resources for a New Teacher
I have been reading your site for the past year and have found it very helpful. I am a new teacher starting out so I have 4 students right now. In the fall I will be partnering with an after school program doing private lessons with possibly 8-10 more students. I saw your post about […]
Friday Film Find
I’m sure most of you have seen this video before, but it’s one of my all-time favorites! I especially love to show it to beginning students to inspire them to think more musically and creatively in their playing. Don’t you just love how much fun all these guys are having?!
The 4 Benefits of Learning a Musical Instrument Online – A Guest Post
The internet has changed the way people do everything, and I mean, literally EVERYTHING. Musical instrument tutorials are constantly cropping up online, with some businesses actually coming together and earning a living from starting these businesses. Below is a list of reasons as to why learning a musical instrument online may be the way forward: […]