After posting about Beth’s studio trailer last week, I thought it would be great to start a category in the Community section of Music Matters Blog for Studio Trailers. I already added one additional [super cool!] one from Jennifer Foxx about her studio practice incentive theme last year. If you have one you’d like to […]
A Piano Teacher’s First Lesson Plan
Even though I’ve switched over to primarily using Piano Safari as my beginning method for new piano students, it’s still really helpful to gather other ideas and perspectives for introducing new students to piano lessons. The Fabers have put together a step-by-step First Lesson Plan for their My First Piano Adventures series. I really appreciate […]
Easy Ear Training Music Teachers Program
The creative folks over at have recently launched a Music Teachers Program to provide “special discounts and exclusive offers” on their ear training apps, albums, and ebooks. I always love seeing what they come up with next, and appreciate their devotion to helping all musicians develop a more musical ear in innovative and practical […]
Friday Film Find
Beth Tadeson, of Grimsby, Ontario, has created a couple of studio trailers that are really fun to watch! (She got the idea from Anne Crosby’s recital trailer.) Here’s one: So…this really makes me want to create a studio trailer, too. Has anyone else created a trailer for their studio? If so, I would love to […]
A Fabulous List of Piano Game Resources!
In doing some blog browsing recently, I came across this fabulous list of piano game resources on Heidi’s Blog! Heidi has organized links to game ideas and materials around the blogosphere according to specific categories: Music Alphabet/Piano Key Names, Note Reading, Musical Terms/Symbols, Rhythm, Whole/Half Step, Accidentals, Enharmonics, Intervals, Ear Training, Stem Placement, Chords, Scales, […]
How Students Can Get the Most Out of Piano Lessons
The last e-newsletter from The Musician’s Way directing me back to this wonderful post by Gerald Klickstein on “Making the Most of Music Lessons.” Gerald asks, “What’s the central issue in lessons?” He then goes on to state, “Learning. What, then, is the primary role of students? To be adept learners. (Teachers facilitate learning.) So […]