Read the rules for the contest here. Go to: Clue #1 | Clue #2 | Clue #3 This instrument has a significant role at the beginning of any symphony orchestra performance.
The Symphony Orchestra: Clue #3
Read the rules for the contest here. Go to: Clue #1 | Clue #2 This instrument was widely played in the mountains of Australia after it was first invented. However, it was soon discovered that when played too loudly, it could have the unfortunate effect of making an emu sick. After that discovery, the instrument […]
The Symphony Orchestra: Clue #2
Read the rules for the contest here. Go to: Clue #1 An ancient version of this instrument might have been called the khalil or halil.
The Symphony Orchestra: Clue #1
Read the rules for the contest here. This instrument was used in the orchestra as early as the mid-1600s, and was the principal instrument used in its particular family grouping for over 100 years. At that point, several other instruments in that family grouping became more prominent.
This Week in Videos
Since we were getting ready for our first group event last week, I took the opportunity to film several of my students playing their pieces so they could watch themselves and use it as a tool for improvement. I really need to do this more often! I finally decided to create an official YouTube channel […]
Solve the Clue – Win a Prize!
My studio theme/practice incentive this year is Mastering the Mystery of Music. I’ve divided the year into six different sessions, each with a different topic. Our first topic was The Symphony Orchestra. Each week if a student completes his mastery challenges, he receives a clue. The mystery this first session was to figure out which […]