Check out this super cool idea over at D’Net’s blog! What a perfect reinforcement activity. I could see this working easily in either a private lesson or a group class setting. Imagine how much those kinesthetic learners in your studio would benefit from something like this!
Monday Mailbag
Thanks to the great input I received from the recent survey, I’ve decided to start a weekly mailbag feature here on Music Matters Blog. You can e-mail me any questions you have and I’ll select several that I receive each week and post them in my Monday Mailbag post. In addition, if you have any […]
Help Doctoral Students with a Research Project
I just received the following e-mail from some doctoral students at UMKC and would encourage you to take 10 minutes to help them with their research by completing the survey they’ve created. It’s very easy-to-understand-and-navigate, and I’m sure the findings of the research will be very beneficial! We are Doctoral students at the University of […]
Rhythmic Dictation Worksheet
One of the things I try to do periodically with my students is rhythmic dictation. Here is a really simple worksheet that I designed for this purpose. I just have the student sit in my chair with a clipboard and pencil. Then I play rhythm patterns and have them notate what they hear. You can […]
Essentials of Music Website
This Essentials of Music website is a great place to get a brief overview of a variety of musical information. They have three primary sections on the site: Eras, Composers, and Glossary. The Eras section contains separate sections for: Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and 20th Century. Clicking on one of these leads you […]
Share Your Music at
I have been having way too much fun over at! A couple of weeks ago I received an e-mail from one of the site developers, letting me know about it and encouraging me to check it out and sign up. I just finished setting up my own page and uploading a couple of my […]