For years I wanted to learn the secret to making CD recordings of my students’ playing. I searched and searched on-line, talked with various techy people at workshops, and scoured bookstores looking for the answer. I knew there had to be a simple answer somewhere, but it eluded me at every turn. Then finally, one […]
Monday Mailbag – Using Online Classical Sheet Music
I would love to hear what you think about online free music – especially classical. I was just having a discussion with a teacher who has been teaching far longer than I, and she is very wary of this music. However, I have done a little research to find that the editing is actually quite […]
And the Winner Is…
#5 – Amy C. Congratulations! You’ll have to let me know how you do on the good-teacher-bad-teacher test, ok? 🙂 And if any of the rest of you pick up a copy of Tangy Tango, let me know how you do too! Stay tuned for another great giveaway next Tuesday!
Conference Countdown!
In just one week, I’ll be heading north to join multitudes of music teachers for the Music Teachers National Association annual conference. I have to admit, the prospect of trekking to Milwaukee in March is not especially thrilling to me, but the fact that I’ll be able to spend five days with colleagues from across […]
Tips for Songwriters
Professional songwriter Ben Cooper has posted a brief, but insightful article on Songwriting Tips. Usually, my students’ introduction into songwriting comes in the way of The Psalms Project that we put together each spring. I can definitely see the truth of Ben’s statement that, “When creating, we learn by doing, and we improve by repeating […]
Group Class Experiment with Collaborative Music
Normally I don’t post about group activities and games until after I’ve tried them, but I’m so excited about this one that I thought I’d go ahead and post it anyway. I’m hoping to use it at tomorrow’s group class, so I’ll try to let you know how it goes after the fact, too! A […]