Don’t you love it when site developers are committed to continually improving their resources and adding value to their customers?! That’s definitely the case with Theta Music Trainer. Ever since I first came across them several months ago, they’ve been tweaking their games and adding new ones. From the circle of 5ths (I really like […]
Monday Mailbag – Business Types
As I contemplate venturing out into the World Wide Web, I’m thinking I should change my business structure from a Sole Proprietorship to an LLC for liability purposes. I’d be interested in hearing what other teachers have done, especially those of you who have web sites. Since we’re at the start of a new teaching […]
And the Winners Are…
The winners of the In Search of Composer DVDs are… #58 – Cherisse #52 – Wendy M. Congrats! You will receive either the In Search of Beethoven or In Search of Mozart DVD from Seventh Art Productions (just e-mail me with your full name and mailing address!)! Thanks to everyone who participated. In fact, as […]
Connecting With other 21st Century Teachers
A while back I came across this site devoted to The 21st Century Teacher. I’ve had it open in my tabs ever since, but haven’t had a chance to explore it in detail yet. It looks like a great place to connect with others that are interested in technology in education. They also have parts […]
One More Thing About Music Teacher’s Helper
As long as we’re talking about Music Teacher’s Helper (MTH), I wanted to let you know that you can now receive 20% off your first month’s subscription if you use the link in this post! Not only that, but when you use my link, it also helps support Music Matters Blog and all the resources […]
Monday Mailbag – Creating a Lending Library for Music Books
I have a pretty decent library of music and I like to loan it out to my students. Honestly though, I do a terrible job of keeping track of who has what. I cannot seem to wrap my mind around how to create a working lending library. What you do? This seemed like a great […]