#4 -Wen #18 -Rebekah Maxner #2 -Loraine Each of you will receive a free copy of the Classic Melody app! Congratulations! Just send me an e-mail and I’ll get you the complimentary code. Thanks to all who participated. Stay tuned for another giveaway next Tuesday!
Congratulations on Brushing Your Teeth!
I had to smile when I read this opening excerpt in a recent column by Jane Magrath that a blog reader kindly e-mailed me: Recently I saw a cartoon that showed two smiling parents watching their child as he brushed his teeth. A banner was posted over the top of the bathroom mirror that said, […]
24 Piano Pieces Perfect for Rote Teaching
In light of Monday’s post about teaching visual spacial students, I thought it might be nice to post a list of tried and true piano pieces you can teach students by rote. Some of these are ones that I’ve taught; some are from another teacher who sent me her list of suggestions a while ago. […]
Free YouTube to mp3 Converter
ManiacTools.com is my latest greatest find on the world wide web! 🙂 Tagged “The Best Music Tools,” you’ll find a treasure trove of helpful software programs for a variety of needs. I was impressed with their free m4a to mp3 converter, so I signed up for their newsletter to be alerted to new developments and […]
Monday Mailbag – Teaching Visual Spatial Students
I have a student that is a highly “visual-spatial” learner. We are struggling. He is at the late elementary level (says they are too easy but cannot play them well) but wants to play harder things.  He struggles with rhythm and counting, but his note reading is pretty good.  He does not like repetition and […]
Two Great Sources for Free Sheet Music
When I was searching around for sheet music to use for the Piece Together Play Together activity at our September Surprise a couple weeks ago, I came across a couple of great sites: 8notes.com has done a complete overhaul of their site since the last time I visited (which was quite a while ago!). They […]