I’m a bit confused on the metronome settings on your free scale and chord chart – a quarter and an eighth note side by side, same tempo? What’s the difference between (two) eighths at MM-60 and a quarter at MM-120? Also, regarding chords, do you mean each chord and its respective inversions within each key? […]
And the Winners Are…
#30 – Leanne #42 – Nancy Potoczky These two will receive one of the historically rich Titanic: A Voyage in Piano Music books by Rebekah Maxner. Congrats! However, thanks to Rebekah’s generosity, everyone can get in on the win. 🙂 She is offering a special deal: Buy 2 and get 1 for free! Here’s what […]
Studio Website Advice Worth Hundreds of Dollars!
I don’t know how I missed this Powerhouse Website Suggestions post by David Cutler (author of The Savvy Musician) back in May because I love keeping up with everything he writes, but I’m glad to have recently come across it (via his latest newsletter – you can sign up for it on The Savvy Musician […]
Piano Keyboard Labels – a Must-Have Resource!
It’s been a while since I first discovered these piano keyboard labels on Susan Paradis’ fabulous website, but they are a must-have resource in my studio! a href=”http://www.susanparadis.com/keyboard-labels/”> I especially love using them with beginning students. They are such a simple, handy tool to have on hand. Just stick them on the student’s assignment sheet […]
Commitment to Innovation
In the latest issue of the American Music Teacher magazine, a publication of the Music Teachers National Association for its members, I found a couple statements by Executive Director Gary Ingle to be quite thought-provoking: “I believe the next 15 years will be the most challenging in our history and will require more commitment to […]
My Favorite New Technological Device
My idea of a shopping excursion is spending several hours surfing Amazon looking for cool technological gadgets. And even more exciting is the arrival of the anticipated package after an order has been placed. I know, that probably makes me a geek. Oh well! 🙂 A while back I embarked on just such an excursion […]