I recently came across another blog (with a super cool header graphic!) that has lots of info about apps: 88 Piano Keys. Even though I have an iPod Touch that I use all the time in my teaching, I’ve been pondering the possibility of getting an iPad at some point, too. Is there anyone out […]
Rote Teaching at Its Finest
In light of yesterday’s post on the value of teaching pieces by rote, I thought this was a most fascinating video clip illustrating how even non-pianists can participate in the beauty of music-making via rote teaching. So cool! HT: The Teaching Studio
Monday Mailbag – What’s the Point of Teaching Pieces by Rote?
You suggest teaching by rote, and your website lists “24 Piano Pieces Perfect for Rote Teaching”. I certainly appreciate that you took the time to develop this list. But I don’t get it. Why teach by rote? How does learning a piece by rote develop skills necessary to aid in learning the next piece of […]
Come to California for MTNA 2013!
California in March sounds like a wonderful way to spend part of spring break in 2013, don’t you think? 🙂 If so, then check out the 2013 MTNA National Conference, and make plans now to attend! The MTNA Conference is always a wonderful opportunity to attend sessions, find out about the latest materials, observe masterclasses, […]
Billy and the Carnival
The Young People’s Concert series put on by our Wichita Symphony Orchestra featured Billy and the Carnival this fall. I had never heard the piece before, but it’s a wonderful, fun musical work! Here’s an excerpt from the concert this morning:
Watch The Cliburn: 50 Years of Gold
One of the first classical music CDs I fell in love with was the album The World’s Favorite Piano Music by Van Cliburn. Ever since then I’ve had a special place in my heart for his music and other musical endeavors. I was excited to learn the other day that there is a documentary of […]