MTNA recently sent an e-mail announcing a $500 scholarship to teachers interested in pursuing RMM (Recreational Music Making). If you’re thinking about attending the MTNA Conference in Anaheim, CA next March, this would be a great opportunity to receive funding to help cover those costs! Here’s the content of the e-mail for those who are […]
Giveaway of Reel Ear
**A guest post by Reel Ear** Reel Ear gives you complete control over your ear training. Most ear training software doesn’t do exactly what you want it to do. With Reel Ear, however, users control every conceivable musical variable. Reel Ear generates random melodies or chord progressions based on user defined variables. Because the phrases […]
Monday Mailbag – When to Start Teaching Scales
When do you start teaching scales? I have been using the “Piano Adventures” method books and really like them, but they don’t teach scales or time signatures until four books in, and I am debating about teaching younger students scales before they encounter them in their music. How soon do you start introducing scales and […]
Thirty Thanksgiving Blessings
In the November/December 2012 issue of Clavier Companion, Susan Geffen wrote a very kind review of Music Matters Blog. Since the magazine recently launched a blog (if you haven’t already, you should definitely add it to your blog reading list!), they asked if I would contribute a guest post. As I pondered what to write, […]
Happy Thanksgiving Week!
The studio is closed for Thanksgiving this week, so I’ll be taking the week off of blogging as well. Hope you all have a wonderful time of celebration and rest with your families. Here’s a video of one of my favorite songs that reminds me to have an attitude of thankfulness for the many blessings […]
Fun Friday Film
If I let them, I think a good 50% of my studio would choose to play Carol of the Bells for the Christmas recital every year. 🙂 It’s one of those pieces that everyone just loves. Well…check out this cool a cappella version of the Christmas favorite by Pentatonix: