Even though we weren’t able to live stream our Christmas Recital (like we did in 2010), a friend of mine video recorded the event and we’ve uploaded it to YouTube for your viewing pleasure! I didn’t realize until after it was posted that the credits at the end rolled through at the speed of light! […]
Happy New…Blog!
After thinking and working and dreaming and planning a complete blog redesign for over a year, I finally…hired a friend to get it done. 🙂 Thanks to the extraordinary design acumen of my dear friend, Tiffany (of TJ Design), my dream has materialized into a blog that is everything I hoped it would be! I […]
Music Matters Blog is Shutting Down…
…but only for a week. 🙂 It’s been a long time coming, but the brand new Music Matters Blog is almost done and ready to be launched! YAY! I can hardly wait to get the new look in place, but it will take about a week to get everything transferred and ready to go. Thus, […]
2 Recital Prep Questions to Ask Students
With just a little over a week until our rehearsal for the Christmas recital, it’s going to be a close call for some of my students! It’s right about now that I start second-guessing myself and wondering if it was really such a good idea to give them a challenging piece to learn (even though […]
Connect the Dots – Sans Numbers
After a number of requests for me to send the numberless version of the connect-the-dots pictures I referenced in last Friday’s post, A Memorable Way to Convince Students That Fingering is Important, I decided to just upload my simple Word doc and make it available for easy download and printing. Just click here or on […]
Monday Mailbag – 5 Tips for Teaching Theory to Transfer Students
I have a 13 year-old student girl who came to me this fall after having had piano lessons for a number of years, but she has little to no theory background. She plays better than average, but doesn’t know simple things like what a sharp does to a note. The songs she played when she […]