Is everyone enjoying a wonderfully relaxing summer, full of afternoons at the poolside sipping lemonade? That’s what all of us music teachers do during these three months, right? 🙂 On the contrary, the last few months of spring and the beginning of summer have been abuzz with all sorts of activities! From graduations galore, to […]
Happy Memorial Day
Well, I didn’t exactly intend to take last week off of blogging, but with Year-End Evaluations, prepping for summer, and working on several other big projects, it fell to the back burner. I am looking forward to sharing about some of my summer plans and another project soon, but I am taking this week off […]
Monday Mailbag – Year-End Evaluations
A number of people have commented and/or asked questions about the Year-End Evaluations that I hold in my studio. I started doing this ten years ago and it has been so helpful for me and the families! The last lesson of the year one or both parents attend the lesson with their child. The week […]
Inspiration and Practical Tips for Parents and Teachers Working with Young Children at the Piano
I “saved” this post on my browser as soon as I saw the title, but just finally got around to watching Mario Ajero’s video clip on How to Start Piano Lessons for Pre-School Aged Children. If you are a parent or teacher of young children and need a little inspiration and practical advice, you have […]
Create Your Own Music Worksheets Using Music Fonts
Have you ever wished you could just whip up a quick worksheet to use with one of your students that would address a particular concept? Joy, of the Color in My Piano blog, has put together a wonderful guide to using music fonts to create your own music worksheets! Like Joy, I use Finale to […]
Two Years of Masterclasses at Your Fingertips!
Thanks to Music Matters Blog reader Brooke for alerting me to a fabulous resource! Visit the Sonatina Enterprises website for archives of two years’ worth of masterclass videos taken at their summer music programs. Just click on the 2011 Masterclass Archives or 2012 Masterclass Archives buttons on the home page to view a list of […]