Here’s a peek into our studio Christmas Recital from last Thursday evening. I hope that it is a blessing and inspiration to you! Blogging will probably continue to be a bit sporadic between now and the New Year. Many blessings to each of you as you celebrate Christmas!
4 Tips for Instilling Rhythmic Precision
The longer I teach, the more I recognize the essential importance of teaching and working toward rhythmic understanding and precision in my teaching. Some students, of course, have an intrinsic sense of pulse; others, well, not so much. The Musicians Way has an excellent article about how to instill a better sense of rhythmic precision […]
Monday Mailbag – Favorite Christmas Arrangements
I have so appreciated your ideas and was wondering, if you find any great Christmas arrangements that you just love, will you let us know? With our Christmas Recital coming up later this week, Christmas music is definitely on my mind! Here are some of the favorites on our program this year: It Came Upon […]
Fun Friday Film
A bit of beauty for your day:
Monday Mailbag – Media Release Forms for Piano Students
Love the student videos. Do you have your students sign media consent forms before filming and posting publicly online? Just curious if you’ve experienced any negative reactions. I’m sure there are plenty of very positive ones as well! Yes, I include a Media Release Form along with the Parent Questionnaire, Studio Policy, and business card […]
A Treasure Trove of Tabs OR Random Links Galore
I am notorious for accumulating a bazillion open tabs in my browser of interesting articles, products I want to check out, things I’m researching, or ideas I want to revisit. Okay, that may be a bit of an exaggeration, but as of this moment I have 72 active tabs. So I decided it’s time to […]