This new Carnival of the Animals app from Naxos looks really fun!
Review and Giveaway of Jumpin Jazz Kids
If the vivid colors of the website aren’t enough to draw you in, then surely the energetic music by renowned Jazz musicians will do the trick! This fun, high quality CD could easily be considered the modern day Jazz equivalent of Saint-Saens’ imaginative Carnival of the Animals. Grammy Nominee for Best Children’s Album of the […]
Friday Film Find
Experiences like this are a good reminder that preconceived notions about people may be faulty, to say the least. You just never know what a student (or other individual) may be capable of – musical and otherwise!
Project 28 Studio Practice Incentive Theme Now Available! Special $5 Off Offer!
In Courtney Crappell’s article in the latest issue of American Music Teacher, “Dealing With Narcissism: Are Our Students Self-Absorbed Or Just Afraid?” he shares two concepts gleaned from another author that we can embrace as teachers to help our students overcome fears that may hinder them from learning: 1) Letting down our personal guard; and […]
The Music Arranger’s Page
Thanks to Christopher Sutton, of Easy Ear Training, for hosting Hans Hansen, I discovered this new website that is practically a course in music composition on a website! The Music Arranger’s Page is a collection of extensive posts on how to arrange music, write good melodies, figure out intros, and lots more! If you or […]
Monday Mailbag – 5 Suggested Resources for a New Teacher
I have been reading your site for the past year and have found it very helpful. I am a new teacher starting out so I have 4 students right now. In the fall I will be partnering with an after school program doing private lessons with possibly 8-10 more students. I saw your post about […]