In doing some blog browsing recently, I came across this fabulous list of piano game resources on Heidi’s Blog! Heidi has organized links to game ideas and materials around the blogosphere according to specific categories: Music Alphabet/Piano Key Names, Note Reading, Musical Terms/Symbols, Rhythm, Whole/Half Step, Accidentals, Enharmonics, Intervals, Ear Training, Stem Placement, Chords, Scales, […]
How Students Can Get the Most Out of Piano Lessons
The last e-newsletter from The Musician’s Way directing me back to this wonderful post by Gerald Klickstein on “Making the Most of Music Lessons.” Gerald asks, “What’s the central issue in lessons?” He then goes on to state, “Learning. What, then, is the primary role of students? To be adept learners. (Teachers facilitate learning.) So […]
Friday Film Find
Who says the masses don’t love classical music?
10 Non-Musical Skills that Children Can Learn from Piano Lessons
Lisa Phillips has an excellent article on the ARTSblog identifying The Top 10 Skills Children Learn from the Arts: Creativity Confidence Problem Solving Perseverance Focus Non-Verbal Communication Receiving Constructive Feedback Collaboration Dedication Accountability Be sure to read the post for specific insights on each of these areas and how they are developed through music lessons.
Loads of Free Music Rhythm Worksheets!
In my research for For the Love of Music, I came across this site by that has a wonderful and extensive collection of free music rhythm worksheets that you can download! I know I’ll be back here often!
Friday Film Find
Fred Karpoff, of the 3-D Piano Method, shares “the secret of rhythmic playing.” A fascinating perspective!