Yesterday I shared about The Topic Wheel and how I’m finding it to be a valuable tool in planning our studio summer piano camp this year based on a classical model of learning. In studying and preparing for it, I came across a great free resource that you can download and explore. It will give […]
Exploring a Classical Model of Education
The first several days of this week I had the privilege of attending a Parent Practicum put on by Classical Conversations. What a fascinating and thought-provoking experience! An article by Dorothy Sayers called, “The Lost Tools of Learning” seems to be the underlying call of this movement to return to the more effective methods of […]
Create a Thumb Piano
This Thumb Piano looks like a really cool project for a summer piano camp!
AMT Inspiration – Work Hard!
<br /> Several years ago I came across a quote in Tim Tebow’s biography, Through My Eyes, that I have oft-quoted during piano lessons with certain students: “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.” That is the heart of the message that I took away from the second installment of an article called […]
KMTA Conference this Weekend
I’ve refrained from live-blogging the whole conference, but thought I would share a brief post from our state music teachers conference this year. We are currently enjoying a masterclass with our conference artist, Gila Goldstein: It’s been inspirational to spend time with colleagues sharing ideas, learning about new repertoire, listening to beautiful music, and growing […]
AMT Inspiration – Ask My Piano Students Better Questions
One of the perks of being an MTNA member is a subscription to their bi-monthly publication, American Music Teacher. I enjoy reading each issue and always take away some sort of inspiration for my teaching. Instead of keeping it to myself, I thought it would be fun to start a specific section here on Music […]