Despite my best intentions to continue teaching at least my own children this summer, we ended up with a studio-wide summer break. I have to admit, it’s nice to take some time off, gather new ideas, and get re-energized for another year of teaching. My favorite way to launch the new year of piano lessons […]
One Week and Counting!
In one week from today we’ll be having our September Surprise! to kickoff a new year of piano lessons! In addition to getting all the finishing touches put on our practice incentive theme for the year – Jungle Expedition – I’ve also been collecting student repertoire and resources for group classes throughout the year. It’s […]
Giveaway of C2 Practice Incentive Theme Studio Decor
If you are looking for a fun, simple to implement, practice incentive theme for your studio that emphasizes character and competence then you’ve come to the right place! C2: Igniting the Power Within! is the theme we used in our studio last year and I have all of our studio decor, plus a handful of […]
Coming this Fall…
After much brainstorming about goals and ideas I want my students to pursue this year, I’m excited to give you a sneak peek at this coming year’s studio practice incentive theme… It’s always an exciting moment to introduce the new theme to my students and see them get pumped for the year ahead and the […]
Practice Tips from The Musician’s Way
Gerald Klickstein’s newsletter is always a treasure trove of helpful links and resources. In his Summer 2015 issue he links to a couple of posts on his blog that I thought were particularly insightful, especially as I prepare for another year of teaching and consider what areas to emphasize with my students. 5 Tips for […]
Special Introductory Offer on Carnival of the Animals Music Camp!
For all of you who have been anxiously awaiting (probably me most of all!), I’m excited to announce that the Carnival of the Animals Classical Christian Music Camp curriculum package is finally complete and ready for delivery! This extensive curriculum has been in the works for many years at a conceptual level, so it’s been […]