If you’re looking for a swashbuckling adventure that your whole studio can enjoy next fall, you won’t want to miss our newest practice incentive theme, Beat the Pirates! My students had such a fun time earning treasure tokens, traveling around the treasure map, and trying to collect all the treasure cards by the end of […]
Free Guitar or Keyboard for New Students at Care2Rock!
Interested in learning a new instrument this summer? Start lessons today with a FREE brand new instrument from Care2Rock! Click here to get started. Care2Rock is our newest advertiser here on Music Matters Blog, and we are grateful for their support of the online music education community! If you are interested in finding out more […]
Year-End Celebration is a Hit!
For the conclusion of our practice incentive theme, Beat the Pirates!, this year, I hosted a celebration party. All the students converged on our house for a couple of hours last night and we spent the time… …going through the line of pizza toppings… …meticulously selecting just the right toppings for each personal pan-sized pizza… […]
Beat the Pirates! Piano Practice Incentive Theme Now Available!
It’s been especially hard to hold out this long for the much-requested pirate-themed practice incentive, but I wanted to make sure it was fully tweaked and approved by my students before making it available for other studios. But as of today Beat the Pirates! is complete and ready for download and full implementation. If you’re […]
Get the Entire Mayron Cole Piano Method for Free!
I’ve heard about the Mayron Cole piano method for years, but never looked into it that much. However, I just received word a couple of weeks ago that in celebration of her retirement, Mayron is making her piano method available for free to anyone who wants it! There are textbooks for Level Pre-1 through Level […]
Free Forms to Conduct Year-End Piano Student Evaluations
One of the most helpful decisions I made years ago was to schedule Year-End Evaluations for the final piano lesson of the spring semester. One or both parents are required to attend with the student and we use their lesson time to discuss progress over the past year along with plans and goals for the […]